UPDATE, March 28, 2020:
2020 USA ARDF Championships CANCELLED
The ARRL ARDF Committee has determined that the 20th USA ARDF Championships scheduled for June 9-14, 2020 near Boston, MA must be cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation. With events surrounding COVID-19 developing rapidly, along with the obvious need for urgent steps to contain its spread, the need to cancel the championships has become apparent. The 20th USA Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships will be rescheduled for a future date.
Update, March 18, 2020: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ARDF USA committee is discussing our options, which could involve postponing or cancelling the event. We suggest not purchasing any airline tickets or hotel reservations unless you are sure you can get your money back.
Also, March 18, 2020: Ruth asked me to post this: if you have been a member of Team USA in the past (or have a reasonable expectation of being on Team USA this year) and wish to order our snazzy new uniforms, the deadline is March 30th. The google form to fill out is here.
The 2020 United States Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships will take place in the Boston, Massachusetts area from June 9 through June 14. The event is open to anyone – there is no previous ARDF experience required, nor are competitors required to have an amateur radio license. Two days of practice events will be followed by four days of competition. The best radio athletes in the USA will be competing for spots on Team USA. You can subscribe to a Google Groups mailing list for participants and others interested in these championships at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/usa-ardf-championships. As they become available, more details, including registration costs, rules, detailed schedules, and more will be presented here and on the group mailing list.